The HiatusRAT malware has re-emerged from its slumber to prove how resilient it is by targeting multiple organizations in Taiwan and the US. 

As with most malware which is deemed successful in terms of its longevity, the threat actors launching HiatusRAT have ensured that it’s more powerful than ever. And, to strengthen its attack, they have redesigned it to escape detection. So far, the majority of the organizations targeted by this latest version of HiatusRAT have been based in Taiwan, but at least one US-based military system has also been attacked. And, with HiatusRAT seemingly operating at full throttle, it’s likely to spread even further. 

Due to the potential danger contained within HiatusRAT, we’re going to take you through how it operates and how you can protect your organization. 

The Lowdown on the Latest HiatusRAT Campaign 

HiatusRAT was first detected back in March 2023, when it was discovered infecting the routers of various organizations in Europe and North and South America. This attack involved stealing data by hijacking email channels as well as installing a remote-access Trojan (RAT) on infected routers. It was an attack which led to significant data loss, but the malware’s activity soon dropped off. However, during this downtime, HiatusRAT has been refined and reconfigured. 

Again, HiatusRAT appears to be targeting routers and similar networking devices. By redesigning HiatusRAT to target ARM and Intel hardware, the threat actors – who are currently unknown – have managed to enhance the potency of their malware. Operating with two types of servers – Tier 1 and Tier 2 – they have been able to use multiple IP addresses to transmit data to remote sources. As the attack has targeted at least one military system, it’s suspected that there may be a nation-state involved with the attack. However, as of now, security researchers have been unable to pinpoint the true motives outside of data theft. 

Protecting Your Organization from HiatusRAT

You may not run an organization in the military industry, but RAT-based malware doesn’t tend to discriminate. Therefore, you need to be on your guard against HiatusRAT and other similar attacks. Remaining vigilant is crucial, and you can strengthen this vigilance by practicing the following: 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals. 

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Malware constantly evolves, and that’s why it’s a constant thorn in the side of PC users. The ever-changing RapperBot malware is a perfect example of this. 

If malware was boring and lacked innovation, it wouldn’t last very long or infect many computers. It would make our lives a lot easier, but it would defeat the main objective of malware. And that is to cause chaos. Repeatedly. Therefore, malware developers are keen to extend the lifespan of their creations. This is why malware is regularly developed, to keep one step ahead. It’s the digital example of a game of cat and mouse. But the good news is that you don’t have to be the mouse. 

The Lowdown on RapperBot and Its Evolution 

First discovered in 2022, RapperBot started its malware career in the Internet of Things (IoT) niche. Most notably, RapperBot was observed to be using parts of the Mirai botnet code. However, RapperBot was much more than just another take on Mirai. It was much more sophisticated. Not only had its remote access capabilities been upgraded, but it could now also brute force SSH servers – these allow two PCs to communicate with each other. 

This evolution has continued at pace, with security experts Fortinet and Kaspersky detecting the following changes: 

  • After infection, further code was added into RapperBot by the developers to avoid detection. A situation which persisted even after rebooting. A remote binary downloader was later added to allow self-propagation of the malware. 
  • The self-propagation capabilities of RapperBot were later changed to allow the malware to gain constant remote access to SSH servers which had been brute forced. 
  • Finally, RapperBot moved its aim away from SSH servers and targeted telnet servers. Cleverly, RapperBot sidestepped the traditional technique of using huge data lists and, instead, monitored telnet prompts to determine the target device. This allowed the threat actors to identify IoT devices and quickly try their default credentials. 

The Best Tips for Tackling RapperBot 

IoT devices are plentiful in the modern age, and we certainly couldn’t be without them. Accordingly, we need to protect them from threats such as RapperBot and BotenaGo. You can do this by following these best tips: 

  1. Keep devices up to date: it’s crucial that you regularly update the firmware and software which supports your IoT devices. Few, if any, pieces of hardware reach consumers without some form of security flaw present. Once these flaws are detected, the manufacturer will usually release a patch or update to remove this vulnerability. Therefore, you need to install these as soon as possible, a strategy which is made easy by allowing automatic updates. 
  1. Change default passwords: Many IoT devices come with default usernames and passwords, these are often the same across every single version of that device. As such, they represent an incredible risk. This means you need to change these default credentials to strong, unique usernames and passwords before they are connected to your IT infrastructure. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication, wherever possible, to add an extra layer of security. 
  1. Network segmentation: ideally, separate networks should be created to house your IoT devices and isolate them from your core network. As IoT devices carry a certain amount of risk, it makes sense to keep them away from the majority of your IT infrastructure. This ensures that, if an IoT device does become infected, the malware can only spread so far. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals. 

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There’s a lot of money to be made in hacking and threat actors are now turning it into a business with Ransomware as a Service (RaaS).

Ransomware, of course, is well known to anyone who steps online in the digital age. With the ability to encrypt your data and demand a ransom fee, it has not only generated headlines, but also caused significant headaches for business owners. And, with ransomware attacks increasing by 41% in 2022, it’s a strategy which is showing no signs of slowing up. Therefore, not only do you need to be aware of ransomware, but you also need to keep up with associated developments such as RaaS.

As RaaS has the potential to create attacks which are both wider ranging and easier than before, it’s crucial you understand how it operates

The Basics of Ransomware as a Service

We’re all aware of what ransomware is, but what is RaaS? After all, surely ransomware is the opposite of a service? Unfortunately, for PC owners, ransomware software and attacks are now available for hire in the form of RaaS. Similar to Software as a Service (Saas) – examples of which include Gmail and Netflix – RaaS allows threat actors to harness the power of hacking tools without having to design them. If, for example, a threat actor doesn’t have the time (or skills) to build a ransomware tool, what do they do? They purchase one.

Typically, RaaS kits are found on the dark web, so don’t expect to find them taking up space on Amazon. Depending on the sophistication of the RaaS, the cost of purchasing them can range between $30 – $5,000. Threat actors looking to purchase RaaS are also presented with several different purchasing options such as one-time fees, subscription tiers or even affiliate models. It’s estimated that over $10 billion exchanges hands each year – mostly in cryptocurrency – for RaaS kits.

Examples of RaaS include Black Basta, LockBit and DarkSide, with more available for those looking to unleash ransomware easily and quickly. These RaaS kits are also much more than just hacking software, they also offer user forums and dedicated support teams to help customers get the most out of their ransomware. Again, this is very similar to the way in which successful SaaS developers provide extra value for their product. However, whereas SaaS is provided by legitimate developers, RaaS tends to be created by criminal gangs with the sole intent of generating illegal funds.

Staying Safe from Ransomware as a Service

The end result of an RaaS attack is the same as a standard ransomware attack, so there’s nothing specific you need to do if an attack comes through RaaS. Instead, you just need to stick to good old fashioned ransomware security practices:

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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What exactly happened when LastPass, a password manager service, found itself at the center of a data breach? And what does this mean for your passwords?

Password managers provide a convenient service, one where complex passwords can be generated instantly and then, going forward, auto-fills when requested. LastPass is a successful example of what a password manager can do, but it’s a role which comes with great responsibility. Login credentials, after all, are often the difference between gaining access and being denied access to a user account. Therefore, password managers need to be sure the credentials they hold are highly secure.

However, as LastPass users are now finding out, password managers are highly tempting to threat actors, and far from 100% secure.

How LastPass was Hacked

Used by millions of users all over the world, LastPass has established itself as one of the leading password managers. Unfortunately, this credibility has been rocked by revelations that the service’s encrypted password vaults have been stolen by hackers. The attack – which took place in August 2022 – was ambitious, and its success even more so.

LastPass’ backup copies of their users’ password vaults were stored, apparently securely, on a third-party cloud storage platform. This, in itself, is nothing unusual; storing backup copies of secure data in remote locations is good practice. Nonetheless, once third parties become involved in storing your data, you relinquish control of this data’s security. And this is exactly where LastPass has fallen victim to threat actors.

While the mechanics of the breach remain under wraps, LastPass has had to admit that personal identifiers – including addresses, phone numbers, credit card details and IP addresses – are among the stolen data. The password vaults – which are encrypted – have also been stolen, so this means the threat actors are closer to knowing your password. And, given they now have access to your personal identifiers, it makes brute force attacks easier.

What to Do if You’re a LastPass User

LastPass has been keen to stress that, although stolen, the password vaults are secure due to the encryption protecting them. However, these encrypted passwords are now in the hands of an unauthorized party and means they are seriously compromised. Therefore, it’s crucial all LastPass users take the following decisive actions:

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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