Cloud networks are the most important newcomers to storage and networking in a long, long time, but why are cloud networks at risk of being hacked in 2018?

With cloud network revenue set to hit $228 billion in 2019, it’s clear to see that cloud networks have become phenomenally successful and their popularity doesn’t appear to show any signs of slowing down. However, hackers are exceptionally interested in this new slice of digital real estate and, accordingly, are beginning to tailor attacks towards cloud providers. Naturally, new technology is prone to teething issues, but when there’s so much data at risk, it’s understandable that organizations may be a little concerned by the risk of cloud networks being hacked.

Let’s take a look at exactly why there’s a risk of your cloud network being hacked and having all its data compromised.

Hackers Like to Target Big and Sensitive Data

Cloud networks have been readily adopted by many organizations due to the vast benefits they offer, so it should come as no surprise that hackers have followed consumers to the cloud. Organizations are frequently storing entire databases packed full of confidential data which, to a hacker’s eyes, is the ultimate prize. Rather than embarking on time consuming hacking strategies which yield only one employee’s details, hackers are going to go straight to the cloud to obtain as much data as possible.


The Cloud Brings New Technology

While organizations are more than aware of firewalls and passwords, cloud networks bring a whole new range of technology that has shifted the goalposts of cyber-security. For example, the cloud is a virtual network rather than a physical network and, accordingly, can’t be treated in the same way as previous technology that organizations have used. New security tools are required to marshal data warehouses in the cloud and, at present, the level of knowledge is, even in many IT professionals, at a naive level.

Human Error is Always an Issue

Employees of any organization that accesses a cloud network are perhaps the biggest threat to cloud security. All it takes is one mistake for a hacker to gain access to your network and, if they access your cloud, this could have catastrophic effects for your organization’s data. As ever, the risk of falling for phishing scams puts the security of your cloud network at risk, but, as covered earlier, the new technology also brings a number of problems to the table such as configuration errors. Amazon, for example, exposed nearly 48 million data profiles earlier this year due to not configuring their cloud correctly.

The Danger of State Sponsored Attacks

Huge organizations that are integral to the running of the country have invested heavily in cloud networks to help store the vast amounts of data that they generate. The result of this is that hackers are continually searching for new and innovative ways to breach cloud security. While their main target may be major corporations, the knowledge that these hackers are gaining means that the ease with which cloud networks can be hacked is increasing. As this knowledge builds and builds, attacks on cloud networks will become easier to execute and more commonplace.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.


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IT can be a complex area to tackle at the best of times, but there are certain mistakes which can be easily avoided through vigilance and understanding.

Maintaining, securing and purchasing technology for your organization requires a lot of knowledge due to the range of procedures and procedures involved. Thankfully, this knowledge is usually in place, but you would be surprised just how many silly mistakes still manage to slip through the net. And these mistakes, although seemingly minor, can sometimes have severe consequences.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, we’ve put together a guide on how to avoid the most common IT mistakes in business.

Printers are Important

Despite on-going calls for ‘paperless’ offices, the reality is that organizations still need to print. And where there’s a need to print, there’s a need for printers. However, far too many organizations fail to understand that researching a good printer is crucial. A cheap printer, for example, may seem the best way forward for a small business, but the amount of toner it wastes and the maintenance involved could soon end up costing more than you had bargained for. Therefore, thoroughly researching what the available printers can do and how well they can do it is vital.

Poor Training for Employees

Your employees need to know how to use the technology they’re working with, so regular training is key to avoiding technical mishaps and maximizing productivity. An employee who knows how to get the best out of the technology they’re working with is relatively rare in most organizations, so stay ahead of the competition by proving in-depth training and refresher manuals.

Not Sticking to Backup Strategies

A good organization is one that has a fantastic backup strategy, but a fantastic organization is one which sticks to its backup strategy. Sure, it may feel time consuming to back up your data to multiple sources and the costs involved can soon be felt by your bank balance. Nonetheless, the relief at being able to restore your data and keep your organization running is surely more preferable to your business grinding to a halt, right? And that’s why sticking to your backup strategy and ensuring that all the processes are regularly followed to the letter is important.

Not Disposing of Technology Correctly

Obsolete technology can soon become a burden on the available real estate within your organization. Disposing of said technology, then, is paramount to a functioning workspace. It’s not just as simple as chucking those old servers out with the trash though. Not only are there potentially dangerous components and chemicals contained within, there are also significant chunks of potentially sensitive data. Thorough cleaning and wiping of all data is highly recommended before you hand the technology over to a specialist firm to destroy securely and safely.

Lack of Tech Support

In a digital age where technology is advancing at a rapid pace, it makes sense to have tech support available at all times. Many organizations feel as though they can handle most IT problems without dedicated staff, but this is a dangerous step to take. It may feel cost effective to rely on a limited amount of knowledge and resources, but there are daily issues for even the smallest businesses which require an IT professional. With a reputable tech support team in place, you can ensure that all issues are dealt with quickly and correctly.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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